Unsafe lane changes
If a driver changes lanes without giving signal with their side pointers, there is a risk of collision with another road user. This risk increases if the driver fails to check their blind spots before switching lanes.
Driving under the influence
DUI or drunk driving occurs when a person is operating a vehicle with illegal levels of blood alcohol content. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol often results in tragic accidents.
Speeding is a very common cause of motorcycle accidents. If a driver is speeding, the control they have over the vehicle decreases. This means that they may be unable to stop the vehicle in time to avoid a collision.
Road rage/impatience
Often, motorcycles travel in groups and many drivers are not used to seeing this. Drivers may often become impatient or try to get around the group of motorcyclists. This poses a risk as collisions could occur. Motorcyclists have the same rights as any other road user.
Improper left turns/unexpected sudden stops
Accidents may occur if a car makes a distance misjudgment or right of way error. This improper left turn may contribute to motorcycle accidents because a motorcycle travelling straight at it is at risk.
Motorcycle defects
Defective motorcycle parts could also contribute to motorcycle accidents. These defects can very well put the lives of the cyclist and other road users at risk. These defects may be as a result of poor maintenance or ineffective repairs.
Poor road conditions
The poor conditions of the road may contribute to the startling statistics of motorcycle accidents recorded every year. Potholes, gravels, sharp curves, busy intersections or road obstacles can all cause accidents.